Are you suffering from symptoms of Candida Albicans?
Symptoms include:
- foggy memory
- unexplained tiredness
- excess wind and bloating in the bowels.
- itchy skin
- fatigue
- depression
- muscle or joint pains in severe cases
- allergy or sensitivity to perfumes and chemicals
- intolerance to alcohol
- intolerance to certain medications
How can we help you?
Our specific Candida Albicans Treatment Programme will help you to conquer this parasite yeast. By controlling the growth of Candida Albicans and killing it off with natural antifungal treatment and repopulating the gut with friendly bacteria you will gain relief from the symptoms aggravated with this common yeast problem.
Complete Candida Programme
Our Complete Candida Albicans Programme includes:
- An Initial 45 minute phone consultation
- Food intolerance testing *on the second visit
- Health report with findings / diagnosis
- Dietary advice and personal diet plan that avoids ’trigger’ foods
- List of foods to avoid
- A recommended supplement plan ( includes one months supply of recommended supplements)
- Check for vitamin and mineral deficiencies at third session
- Advice on food substitutes
- 14 day meal plans
- Muscle testing (kinesiology) to check glands and organs status
- Four follow up sessions to monitor and review progress and adjust your diet every 3 weeks with testing.
- Full email support
- The Full Programme costs £325.00 –
* Kinesiology
What our clients say…
I found Caroline by Google one night when I was really fed up with feeling ill.
I have had problems with my skin since I was a teenager so was put on antibiotics and then the pill. I had constant viral infections and tonsillitis and in my 20′s I began having ear infections too, along with going through phases where I felt completely exhausted, light-headed and terrible bloating of the abdomen. The Doctors did blood tests but told me they couldn’t find anything wrong so I began to read up and look at food allergies. I did a dairy free and reduced wheat diet which really abated the symptoms for a while but then my skin problems and the bloating would come back and I couldn’t work out why. On top of this I had been having trouble sleeping for years and I felt really low.
At my first appointment with Caroline she confirmed that I had a Candida level of 25 and had probably had it since I was 11 when I’d had a bad case of food poisoning.
I could not believe that I had seen this lady once and she had found out what was wrong with me after so many years of feeling awful with no explanation. Caroline also told me that loads of other problems I’d been experiencing that I’d thought were all independent issues were caused by the Candida.
For the first time in years, not only did everything all make sense, but I had hope of treating the cause of it all and getting better. I was also shocked that despite trying to eat healthily and avoiding certain foods, I was eating things that were causing me real problems that I would never have known about.
The great thing about Caroline’s service is that everything is specifically tailored to you as an individual, and Caroline is so easy to talk to and so empathetic I actually used to really look forward to my upcoming appointments.
Every month I was able to eat more and more food and I felt a real sense of achievement as my Candida levels dropped. Caroline tested me comprehensively to get an accurate picture of my body as a whole and treated me in accordance to make sure everything was in balance again, which is a truly great feeling!
I am now Candida free and feeling the best I have felt in a long time and I have Caroline to thank for that”
Claire N – December 2009