Food Intolerance Testing

Take care of the body, it’s the only one you have to live in.

Caroline Sproule


Kinesiology is a form of muscle testing which can be used to identify imbalances in the body’s structural, chemical, and emotional systems.

By assessing these imbalances, they can develop personalised treatment plans to restore health and improve overall well-being. Kinesiology integrates principles from anatomy, physiology, biomechanics, and psychology to address a wide range of health issues.

With kinesiology , muscle weakness or imbalance can indicate underlying health problems. During a kinesiology session, the practitioner applies gentle pressure to specific muscles to assess their strength and response. This process helps identify areas of stress or dysfunction in the body. Based on the findings, kinesiologists may use various techniques, such as acupressure, nutritional advice, lifestyle changes, and physical exercises, to correct imbalances and promote optimal health.

Caroline uses kinesiology as a tool to support her knowledge of food intolerances and allergies, which she has developed over a period of over 24 years. Caroline has used this method successfully to confirm her own findings , which she initially records based on her client’s symptoms, case history, diet habits etc. The muscle testing is used at the second and subsequent sessions , to check for foods that may still be causing a reaction, while at the same time , confirming foods that are tolerated by the body.

As a nutrition and allergy specialist , Caroline explains that food intolerances can not be accurately detected via blood testing , prick or patch testing , all of which are recognised methods of testing by the medical profession. The reason for this , as Caroline describes, is due to the fact that food intolerances are often different from food allergies , and may not present in a blood or prick test, as food intolerances do not always create antigens in the blood in the same way as allergies do. Food intolerances are much more common and a major cause of stomach and bowel problems , in particular , as opposed to food allergies which are more often involved in skin conditions such as eczema. Also, food intolerances are often temporary and are sometimes only a problem for a short period of time , until the original stomach or bowel dysfunction is corrected for example. A blood test would not be suitable to detect this temporary intolerance , which is where kinesiology, although very alternative , comes into it’s own.

Caroline uses it as an extra tool, but not as a main means of identifying food intolerances with her clients. However, she has continued to have great results with her clients using this combination of her training, knowledge , experience and the kinesiology. Caroline finds that as the kinesiology is non invasive , her clients are usually comfortable with the testing , and reports that although many of her client’s find it interesting , they can find it difficult to understand how it works.

Some people have needle phobias or a fear of blood and prefer this gentle but effective means of confirming foods that may not suit them. Results are also instant , which means client’s can get on with the next stage of the Programme without delay. Caroline’s results can be seen clearly by the testimonials of her clients which prove a very interesting read, especially for anyone who may be sceptical or unsure about the muscle testing.