Candida Testimonials

Our FOOD should be our MEDICINE and our MEDICINE our FOOD.

Caroline Sproule

I wanted to say a huge thank you, which I’m not sure that I ever got around to saying properly. I’m not sure of the dates now but I came to see you a couple of years ago with a build up of phlegm in my throat. Your advice and consultation have proved to be a life saver for me. I stopped eating certain foods, mainly yeast and other sugary ones including prunes, bananas etc. Even today, if I stray from the path and eat some bread or pizza for example then that very same evening I am suffering badly with a build-up of phlegm. It seems as though the phlegm is still lurking, just ready to be activated so it doesn’t seem that I ever got totally rid of the Candida in my body but I can manage it successfully. The quality of my daily life has improved immeasurably with your help and like I said, I’m not sure if I ever gave you the proper thank you that you merited. Please feel free to use the body of this email as a recommendation should you so wish.


I have also recommended you to a number of family and friends although whether any of them have acted on this recommendation, I don’t know.

Nick A March 2020
  Where to begin, well I was always that ‘poorly’ child growing up if there was something going round I got it.  I was plagued with ear-aches, throat infections, tonsillitis, tummy troubles and regular visits to the doctors.  Then at university I was diagnosed as having IBS after having had food poisoning.  As the years progressed, I kept food diaries, trying to watch what I ate and having tried a collection of medications the symptoms persisted. In 2009 I was further diagnosed as having Rheumatoid Arthritis and preceded down a path of numerous medications and all their side effects and medications to control the side effects.  I literally accepted to learn to live a life filled with pain and a lack of mobility. In 2016 it all came to a head.  I spent a summer struggling in discomfort and doubled over in pain almost calling an ambulance for myself, when my sister suggested she’d heard of someone that had helped a friend with Crohn’s disease through diet and had worked with other people with rheumatoid arthritis.  So I contacted Bromsgrove Allergy & Nutrition and made an appointment with Caroline Sproule.  Caroline put me completely at ease and by the end of my first appointment everything became clear all my illnesses over the years made sense. I was gluten, yeast, dairy and soya intolerant and suffering from Candida Albicans. I left Caroline’s office with a very short list of foods I could eat, at this point I was slightly shocked about how little I could eat but completely relieved that I now had an explanation and was being taken seriously. Caroline told me that the first 3 weeks would be tough and she was right  I got sore throat, earache and felt generally lousy but by the time of my next appointment, (at 3 weeks) I had come through it and I was starting to feel better.  When tested I had a few more foods added to my list and my Candida levels were dropping. Again Caroline explained the next three weeks would be tough and she would see me again then, (at 6weeks).  I went and stuck religiously to my list of foods and yes there were days that I wasn’t great but I was in this for the long haul. By 6 weeks I felt amazing.  I was revitalised, full of energy and had lost weight.  My next appointment went well with my Candida levels dropping and gaining a few more foods to my list.  We continued this process until my Candida levels were down to normal I had never felt so good.  I went from having to warm my joints up just to start a day to being able to walk up a mountain on my own!  When the hospital did blood tests the rheumatoid arthritis markers were not present in the blood and I am now pain free after years of suffering!! All this time and all those medications when all I had needed was to eat the right diet for me, I will be forever indebted to Caroline. Something that most people don’t know about me is that for 14 years I had tried to start a family and we endured three unfortunate losses. When I first visited Caroline she told me I would need to wait a year I said, “no, I wasn’t willing to wait that long” as I was already 42, but Caroline explained that my body was currently too toxic and needed time to start to heal, and it would take at least 3 months to start to see this change.  So we set off on this journey knowing it was my health that we had to fix. Almost a year after we first met I had the pleasure of phoning Caroline to tell her I was pregnant! Caroline went on to guide me and regularly test me throughout my pregnancy to ensure I was a healthy host.  My beautiful daughter Iona was born this summer, happy and healthy and I am continuing to feel amazing. When I look back I’m so glad I made that call at the end of summer 2016 because that is where I got to meet Caroline my Fairy Godmother and I will be eternally grateful to her for helping me achieve my Happy Ever After! Carol M                       November 2018
Carol and baby

On the 11th February 2010 I went to see Caroline after a recommendation from a family member. I had been suffering with terrible bowel problems, mood swings, depression, low motivation and many others; all of which led me to go to the first appointment to see if there were any changes I could make to my diet to improve the situation.

My first appointment was very informative and Caroline soon explained why I had been feeling the way I had and the diagnosis also explained a lot of my other symptoms which I had tried to overlook or I used other reasons to explain them. The upshot was I was suffering with a severe case of Candida overgrowth in the bowel, which because it had gone untreated for so long had started to affect my internal organs and my reproductive cycle.

Caroline immediately put me on a detox diet to starve the Candida and I took a supplement to build up the good bacteria in my bowels in order to fight off the fungus. By my second appointment my Candida levels had started to drop and my liver and kidneys were functioning a lot better. I then started a course of supplements to destroy the Candida and flush out my liver. Both of these supplements worked wonders and I soon started to feel 100% better, most of my old symptoms had disappeared and I also had my first monthly cycle for 6 months.

By my third appointment all my symptoms had disappeared and my Candida levels were well under control and almost at a normal level. I am now able to eat all foods in moderation and feel so much more positive about food in general and have a better understanding of what I am eating and how it will affect my body and what its nutritional value is.

Finally I have just found out the wonderful news that I am 14 weeks pregnant after 5 years of trying for a baby with my husband. I can’t thank Caroline enough for all her help and support over the last 5 months.

Julie – a very happy mother-to-be            2010

Julie and Masie's story

From the moment I met Caroline I knew she would change my life. Her knowledge, care, sympathy, encouragement and support have been second to none. When I first went to Caroline I was very stressed and couldn’t cope with my symptoms any longer. I was constantly being fobbed off by GPs and I was frustrated and deflated. I was constantly battling bloating, IBS symptoms, exhaustion, weight issues, which were affecting me in all aspects of my life. Added to my problems were the diagnosis of an under active thyroid which left me completely lost. I first saw Caroline in February 2018 and I can safely say I am a different person in September to the person I was in February. Caroline immediately told me I had Candida overgrowth of around 25? And that I needed to trust her and do exactly what she instructed. She told me that I most likely had a dairy and gluten allergy, with cheese being a particular love of mine I was pretty devastated! The journey I have been on in improving my symptoms was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done, but needless to say, I saw pretty much instant results. I followed Caroline’s advice and avoided eating what seemed like all foods, took numerous supplements, completely cut gluten and dairy out of my diet and changed the way I ate, which in turn has changed the way I live. I have now reintroduced a lot of the foods I wasn’t able to handle to start with and I am no longer constantly worried about where the next toilet is, or if I could leave the house on time, and if I did, where could I stop if needed? Caroline has educated me in learning about what my body likes and doesn’t like and I am much more informed when making choices with my eating. The support Caroline has given me, in my opinion was completely priceless as it’s given me a normal life back. I can’t thank her enough and couldn’t recommend her highly enough to anyone needing help.

Georgina B 2018.

Georgina B, September 2018

Bromsgrove Allergy and Nutrition Centre helped give me my confidence back!!

I have suffered on and off with acne since the age of 15, both on my face, back and chest. I hoped as I got older that it would get better but as I hit my twenties, it seemed to get worse. (I am now 24). I have tried various treatments prescribed by dermatologists over the years including oral medications and topical solutions, numerous contraception methods to regulate hormones and not to mention the usual over the counter spot treatments!

Towards the end of last year I had just about given up hope.  I had come off all medication as it seemed to be making things worse and I felt thoroughly down in the dumps.  Around this time, Bromsgrove allergy and Nutrition Centre moved their office into the building I worked in.  After catching me on a particularly bad day, I broke down and confessed to Caroline how miserable I was and she advised that I should see her in the clinic.

Caroline put me at ease at once and I soon opened up to her and told her about the problems I had been suffering over the last few years.  The acne was the most obvious and bothered me the most but I had also been treated for depression and insomnia and had struggled to keep weight on leaving me very gaunt.  After giving me a sheet of symptoms, Caroline asked me to tick off the things I suffered from.  I couldn’t believe how many ticks I made.  Little things from getting up a lot in the night to go to the toilet and suffering from poor concentration, things about myself I had always accepted and never thought to link together.

After some more discussion, Caroline thought it was likely that I had been suffering from an undiagnosed yeast intolerance known as candida and she immediately arranged to test me using Kinesiology.  I was very skeptical at first but at a point where I was willing to give anything a try.  After experiencing the testing, there was no way I could deny that it is an authentic practice.  It confirmed her fears that I was suffering with a severe case of Candida.

Caroline then wrote me a strict diet and gave some herbal tablets to flush the toxins out of my system which had built up from years of taking antibiotics.   It was hard work over a number of months and it certainly took dedication at mealtimes but I am now back to eating normally with only a few exception and I am so much happier.  My skin is completely clear, bar a few spots at certain times of the month.  I feel bubblier and happier and overall confident.  To the extent that I have left my job and am about to embark on a 12 month round-the-world trip, something I have wanted to do for years but have never had the confidence to do.

I think myself so lucky that I got to meet Caroline or I could so easily be in the same situation today.  So thank you Caroline for giving me my life back.  I would recommend you to anyone and everyone!!

Laura M (Before)

Before treatment

Laura M (after)

After treatment

Larua M (Acne)

I found Caroline by Google one night when I was really fed up with feeling ill. I have had problems with my skin since I was a teenager so was put on antibiotics and then the pill. I had constant viral infections and tonsillitis and in my 20’s I began having ear infections too, along with going through phases where I felt completely exhausted, light-headed and terrible bloating of the abdomen. The Doctors did blood tests but told me they couldn’t find anything wrong so I began to read up and look at food allergies. I did a dairy free and reduced wheat diet which really abated the symptoms for a while but then my skin problems and the bloating would come back and I couldn’t work out why. On top of this I had been having trouble sleeping for years and I felt really low.

At my first appointment with Caroline she confirmed that I had a Candida level of 25 and had probably had it since I was 11 when I’d had a bad case of food poisoning. I could not believe that I had seen this lady once and she had found out what was wrong with me after so many years of feeling awful with no explanation. Caroline also told me that loads of other problems I’d been experiencing that I’d thought were all independent issues were caused by the Candida. For the first time in years, not only did everything all make sense, but I had hope of treating the cause of it all and getting better. I was also shocked that despite trying to eat healthily and avoiding certain foods, I was eating things that were causing me real problems that I would never have known about. The great thing about Caroline’s service is that everything is specifically tailored to you as an individual, and Caroline is so easy to talk to and so empathetic I actually used to really look forward to my upcoming appointments. Every month I was able to eat more and more food and I felt a real sense of achievement as my Candida levels dropped.

Caroline tested me comprehensively to get an accurate picture of my body as a whole and treated me in accordance to make sure everything was in balance again, which is a truly great feeling! I am now Candida free and feeling the best I have felt in a long time and I have Caroline to thank for that.

Claire N (Candida Albicans)

I saw an article about Caroline’s work in a local paper and as I had a few problems with my diet I thought I would go and see her. I was suffering from various annoying and vague symptoms and was sensitive to wheat and cheese. She discovered I had a condition called Candida Albicans and treated this very efficiently. Glad to say I now feel much better and really can’t thank her enough. To anyone who is in doubt about going for some advice I’d say try it – you might have a lovely surprise.

Sheila B (Candida Albicans)

Hi Caroline, just want to say a massive thank you for all you help.
I came to you regarding my rash. After a chat and some allergy tests you diagnosed I had Candida, too much yeast in my liver. After a diet, on your advice, the yeast slowly came down and my liver recovered.
Also you diagnosed that I had a gluten intolerance, so I stated eating gluten free food.

Since all your advice about food that I can and can’t eat I feel so much better. I came to you feeling low, fed up, tired all the time with constant headaches and foggy brain and after our first meeting and starting the diet my foggy brain went. Slowly after my headaches started going which made me feel so much better, less tired and not feeling low.

Thank you again. I don’t know what I would have done without all your advice. You have changed my life for the better.
Kind Regards Claire C. October 2017

Claire C

Having always had problems with my skin and acne, I have tried everything from antibiotics to cutting out gluten, dairy etc. I have always eaten healthy and lead an active lifestyle, and as such my problem skin had been a source of frustration and confusion. I found Bromsgrove Allergy & Nutrition Centre, and Caroline, whilst searching on the internet, and thought I would seek professional help.

After going through everything with Caroline she diagnosed a Candida Albican overgrowth and produced a bespoke list with foods I should avoid for the time being to resolve the problem. After clearly explaining what the problem was and how it came about, I was reassured and stuck to the diet plan for a number of months. From the offset my skin had noticeably calmed and it was rare that I got a new spot. Furthermore, I noticed a number of other minor health issues that must have been linked, such as mild athletes foot, to disappear. I also experienced an increase in mood and energy, which I didn’t even realise I was lacking until after a few weeks into the diet. It is now four months later and my skin on my face is clear for the first time in roughly ten years. If I do stray from the diet in any way I am at least aware of why I react, which is a vast improvement on the frustration before and stress free to correct.

I have been back to Caroline a further two times since my initial appointment, each time we have seen improvements and Caroline has assessed me to find new foods to add into my diet with no ill-effects.

I am very glad I came to Bromsgrove Allergy and Nutrition Centre and met Caroline. I now have a much clearer understanding of the issue and what I need to eat to cure myself. As a result, I have much more confidence in everyday life through the lack of acne / spots, which I am extremely thankful for.

Josh P. February 2017

Josh P

My sinus had been uncomfortable for quite some time.  I was feeling bloated, run down and generally lethargic even though I had a healthy diet, was not overweight and exercised regularly.   When I saw an article written by Caroline regarding hay fever and allergies, I decided to make an appointment.

Caroline believed it was Candida and an intolerance to certain foods, so she put me on a yeast, sugar and dairy free diet.  Within a month I felt better, had more energy, no bloating and my sinus was no problem whatsoever.  A further two months, I felt even better!  I could breathe clearly, no bloating, no lethargy and skin and hair shiny and looking good.

As the food was reintroduced slowly, I returned to a diet not dissimilar to the one I had before, although I did not crave as much sugar and yeast products.  Caroline explained that I had an intolerance to dairy products so I now avoid milk, yoghurts and cheese although I do have a little butter on my toast.

Caroline is sensitive, caring and knowledgeable who never rushed the appointments and explained everything clearly and concisely.  I cannot recommend her enough.

Val Sibley

Val S

For some twenty years I have suffered with stomach problems, severe cramps, extremely painful menstruation and chronic fatigue.  I have over the years sought medical advice from my general practitioner who could provide no explanation as to why this was happening and for a long time I just accepted the issues as ‘part of life’.

Approximately 12 months before attending the allergy centre these symptoms were becoming unmanageable and I was mentally and physically exhausted.   I did some research online and came across the allergy centre quite by accident, I was initially recitent but felt a lot of the described symptoms resonated with me.

I was given a complete change of diet, which initially consisted of very basic foods and excluded caffeine, gluten and dairy products.  Within weeks my sleep pattern improved, I no longer felt exhausted during the day and all my stomach problems disappeared virtually overnight.  Over the next few months different foods are then reintroduced and whilst still avoiding gluten and dairy, I can now eat most foods with no issues.

Whilst the method is somewhat unconventional, the results speak for themselves and have been way beyond my expectations,  I have so much more energy, my fatigue and other symptoms are now almost nonexistent. I can now much more easily recognise foods that aren’t appropriate and finally have a better understand as to why I was having the issues previously.

I would strongly recommend this course of treatment, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Rose D  August 2019

Rose D

Caroline was recommended to me by my brother, who Caroline had diagnosed with gluten intolerance.  I was experiencing symptoms of bloating and tiredness and I was diagnosed with a yeast allergy amongst other things such as malabsorption and chronic dehydration.  At first I had to cut out a number of food items and drink water, initially this seemed hard, but the results came quickly and I started to feel better within 2 weeks.

At each session I could eat more and more foods until there were only a few items that just did not suit my body, which is understandable once Caroline explains it to you.

As our lifestyles and living situations change, events can affect our bodies in remarkable ways.  Since my initial visit, I have seen Caroline twice more with new symptoms and concerns and she has set me back on track with my diet, each time leaving me feeling much improved after each session.

Caroline is easy to talk to and extremely supportive.  I cannot thank her enough for how she has helped me over the years.


Leigh  –  August 2019
