Migraine Testimonials

Take care of the body, it’s the only one you have to live in.

Caroline Sproule
My son suffered with migraines from the age of 7, he was taking medication to help prevent them but never really worked.  As his headaches turned into severe adult migraines at the age of 13, his medication was increased but this did not make a difference and he continued to experience extreme pain and missed several days and weeks at school. His doctors were useless and failed to provide any support.  After losing all hope in the medical profession, my boss recommended Caroline. She helped change his life.  He went on her 16-week programme changing how he managed his diet and focussing on healing his body through food, supplements, vitamins and minerals.  Although it was difficult to begin with, he is a new person now.  He no longer has migraines and has stopped taking medication!  Thank you Caroline, without your support, my son will still be taking artificial chemicals and suffering with a debilitating condition! Neeta September 2024
The day I met Caroline for the first time, I had complete confidence in her.  I had been suffering from chronic migraines and didn’t want to take any more pills.  I had various other health issues too including nausea, stomach ache, IBS and CFS/ME. Caroline made me very welcome and took a history of my symptoms. She seemed to understand completely why I was feeling like I did and she knew immediately what I needed to do to improve my symptoms and gave me a diet to be following within the next month. I bought a few essentials on the way home that day and the following morning, after breakfast, I did not feel sick and by the time I went to work I did not feel exhausted. I have been following the diet now for 9 months and my health is improving steadily.   I no longer get debilitating migraines and I rarely get nausea, stomach ache and IBS.  I have even improved my CFS/ME symptoms.  I am continuing with the diet although I have finished my initial 5 appointment treatment with Caroline and I feel hopeful that as time goes on I will feel better and better. I would recommend Caroline, without hesitation, and I hope that others will have the same success as me. Rachel M             December 2019

I went to see Caroline 5 months ago as a last desperate measure to find help with the dreadful headaches and migraines I had had for 30 years.
I had read everything to find a cure, acupuncture, chiropractice, and hypnotherapy and was taking preventative medication but despite this the migraines were getting more frequent and so severe that I had to take painkillers and triptons virtually all the time. I had tried to reduce my medication but couldn’t cope.

After taking a case history, Caroline advised of dietary changes and recommended supplements. She assured me that this would help with both the migraines and other health problems. I had IBS, underactive thyroid, fatigue, sluggishness and insomnia.

The results have been amazing! I still have occasional headaches but they are less frequent, much less sever and can be treated effectively with just paracetamol. The IBS symptoms vanished completely from day one. I’m sleeping better and have much more energy. My concentration has improved. I have less of a problem with an underactive thyroid and my GP has reduced my thyroxine dosage. This is being monitored and I hope this will continue to improve. The final added bonus is that I have lost 1 ½ stone and not experienced any of the cravings I used to have.

Overall, the results have been life changing and now that I have got used to the diet, I will continue. I can’t recommend Caroline highly enough.

Marina – June 2018

Marina - June 2018

About 20 years ago, I began having migraines, which over the years, became more and more frequent. Added to this, I began suffering sudden attacks of diarrhoea. I became weaker and lost confidence to such an extent that just going into town became a major expedition. Holidays were a nightmare. Some of them, disastrous. Various tests were carried out, but all proved to be negative. Three months ago I was in a very low state, suffering two or three migraines a week and having to take medication for the bowel problem every other day.

In desperation, although I have to admit I was somewhat sceptical, I made an appointment to see Caroline at the Bromsgrove Allergy Clinic. After only a few days, on a specially formulated diet, I noticed an improvement. The sudden diarrhoea attacks stopped and after one migraine early on, I have had no more at all. I have more energy. The aches and pains in my joints have disappeared. My confidence has returned. I have my life back again.

Irene – January 2002

Irene S

I met Jody in Costa one afternoon. She told me she had been suffering with severe headaches and migraines since her teens. She had one child at that time and was often laid up in a dark room with a blinding migraine, which affected her family life to quite a degree.

Following the testing I found that Jody displayed a number of food intolerances and was quite toxic and dehydrated. Since changing her diet she has only had one headache which went away very quickly, compared to her migraines which used to last up to three days. Here is Jody’s story…

Dearest Caroline.  Just writing to say a very big big thank you !

You have helped get rid of my migraines which I was getting three times a week.  After changing my diet and drinking more water, you have helped me turn me into a differing person.

In seven months I have only had one headache and I really want to thank you so much for this.  It is a great feeling each day that I haven’t got to worry when my next migraine is going to turn up.

You are a lovely person and great at your job.  Thank you so much for all that you have done.

Lots of love

Jody Sprayson  


A few months ago whilst chatting to a friend with regard to the problems I was having with my bowels, she suggested I make an appointment to see Caroline Sproule as she knew someone who had benefitted from her treatment.  I was also suffering from migraines.

 I met Caroline, who is a warm and friendly person, and it was soon discovered that my liver wasn’t working properly.

 After a while, under Caroline’s guidance, I have recovered really well and would advise anyone with problems to make an appointment.  I feel fitter and have also not had a migraine since starting the course and I have also lost weight !!

 Thank you Caroline for sorting me out.  Regards Margaret D. 

Margaret D

I went to Caroline at Bromsgrove Allergy Centre three years ago. As someone who had suffered with migraines and migraine type headaches for over 30 years, I was interested how Caroline could help me. After the testing, I was advised of all the foods which I was to avoid and those that I could have on a moderate basis. Over the past three years I have not had one migraine or headache, which has made a tremendous difference to my life. I could not believe that after so many years of experiencing so much discomfort from headaches that it all came down to food intolerance!

Thank you for all your advice and giving me back a life free from migraines…

Rosemary A (Migraines)

Hi Caroline, just want to say a massive thank you for all you help. I came to you regarding my rash. After a chat and some allergy tests you diagnosed I had Candida, too much yeast in my liver. After a diet, on your advice, the yeast slowly came down and my liver recovered. Also you diagnosed that I had a gluten intolerance, so I stated eating gluten free food. Since all your advice about food that I can and can’t eat I feel so much better. I came to you feeling low, fed up, tired all the time with constant headaches and foggy brain and after our first meeting and starting the diet my foggy brain went. Slowly after my headaches started going which made me feel so much better, less tired and not feeling low. Thank you again. I don’t know what I would have done without all your advice. You have changed my life for the better Kind Regards Claire C. October 2017
Clare C 2017