Caroline was recommended to me by a friend, I had been suffering from a thyroid autoimmune disease and the symptoms from that for over a decade. I was fed up taking prescribed medication and seeing no obvious results. I needed to try something else, being diagnosed with carpal tunnel syndrome and having to wear wrist splints was the final straw. Caroline diagnosed me after just a 1hr telephone conversation. She explained in detail and in simple jargon why my body was experiencing the symptoms that I had and that she could cure me. There were things going on in within my body that I had no clue about. Caroline guided me all the way and I worked hard cutting out the foods that she recommended after the results of being tested. The change has been quite remarkable, no more mouth ulcers, allergies, joint pain, leg cramps. My head is clearer, and my energy has increased. My doctor suggested having an operation on both my wrists to cure carpal tunnel, don’t need it now! Inflammation of my peripheral nerves is no longer present. My only regret is that I didn’t come across Caroline much earlier! Lucy – September 2024
I contacted Caroline after being diagnosed with Crohn’s disease. I was having flair ups nearly every 2 weeks and had been on a course of steroids. I decided i did not want to be going on steroids in the future and contacted Caroline to see if she could help. After putting me on a restricted diet and then introducing different foods over a 5 session course it certainly helped. I haven’t had a flair up for a few months and feel much better than I did before. I have now changed my eating habits to what Caroline advised and this has made a big difference. Caroline was very helpful. I was very sceptic regarding the kiniseology but it definitely worked, so thank you
Andrew McIlraveyMacrh 2024
I started seeing Caroline back in October with severe pains, discomfort and bloating of the stomach and was over weight. I was always miserable, it was having a massive effect on my mental health and playing with my anxiety.Caroline started me off on a very limited strict diet for a couple of weeks and put me on some supplements.Fast forward 6 weeks, I started to feel a little more ease within my stomach, my bloating was starting to ease and the discomfort was being manageable. New foods was being introduced back in very slowly so I was having more variety in my diet.Fast forward to now I’m like a different person, my diet is practically back to how it used to be, there’s no discomfort anymore, I very rarely suffer with bloating and I’m 2 and a half stone down in weight.I honestly can’t thank Caroline enough for all she has done for me and with helping me.I highly recommend her and I know if I ever suffer the way I have done then I will be straight back to book some more sessions with her.Adam
Since initially been diagnosed with Ulcerated Colitis and put onto medication I had about 2 or 3 years of good health. Then I experienced repeated flare ups of Colitis for about 2 years, they would come and go until January 2021 when they seemed to escalate.
I tried various food combinations and restrictions of certain foods that I really did not know whether I was contributing to or causing the flare ups. I was desperate to find out what was setting the flare ups off. I felt miserable as eating was becoming more and more stressful, not knowing if that certain food was going to set it off again. My diet had become very bland by then and I became aware that I may not be getting the right nutrients that I needed to keep my body heathy.
After my initial consultation with Caroline who explained about my past health history and the way in which our bodies may react to certain foods, it made much more sense. I really needed help in finding the correct diet and balance of foods that could help me. Caroline is very friendly and approachable and always there to guide you through the ways to prepare and choose the foods to give the best results. I can now see a better future with the knowledge I have gained through Caroline, about certain foods and my bodies’ reaction to them.
I cannot praise Caroline enough for all the help she has given me.
Thank you, Barbara
Good morning Caroline,
I thought I would write a few lines to say how thankful I am for all the help you have given me over the past few weeks.
I have come from someone who was living on soups and tea to now eating three lovely meals each day. Now that was something I thought I would never get back to.
You have managed to do in a few weeks what the doctors couldn’t do in three years.
If my daughter had not found out about you I’m afraid I most likely be bed bound now.
I did not know there were such experts like yourself in the world, I cannot thank you enough for giving me my health and life back again, and now I’ve even started back running again, now that’s just amazing!!
For ever in your debt.
Martin Gavin, Coventry, West Midlands . April 2021
For many years I suffered with a constant bloated stomach, and fatigue. I would suffer pain after almost every meal.
After being passed around different doctors without success, it was recommended to me I should go to see Caroline at Bromsgrove Allergy & Nutrition.
Since starting the sessions 6 months ago, I am now much healthier, much happier and over 2 stone lighter.I have a full understanding of what causes my symptoms and how to avoid them.
I now truly believe most physical ailments can be solved simply by controlling what you eat and drink, and there is much truth in the old saying “you are what you eat”.
It also helps that Caroline is one of the nicest people you are ever going to meet, and it is obvious she cares about what she does and the people she treats.
I will be forever grateful to her for not only giving me a new lease of life, but probably extending it too.
AP February 2018
I decided to go to see Caroline after years of IBS. Although I seemed to manage it in my early years as I got older the pain and discomfort became worse and I became obsessed about what I ate in case I set it off. After a consultation with Caroline, I changed my diet and became free of certain types of food and cutting down on others. It was difficult at first but I got used to it and my symptoms improved. I also started taking vitamin supplements on Caroline’s advice. Although I have finished my regular sessions with Caroline, it is good to know that she is there to help. Thank you. Karen. February 2020
Caroline has helped me so much since September 2019 with my mental and physical health. I have never felt so happy and confident within myself and it is all down to her and what she has done to help me. I was lethargic, always bloated, constantly tired and irritable and found it very difficult to concentrate. I was always told by doctors that it was because of IBS and that it was untreatable. As I got older, the pain got worse in my stomach and I just thought it was normal for me to feel that way. Thanks to Caroline diagnosing me and changing my diet we managed to get rid of all those problems and now I am feeling so much better in myself! Thankyou. David. January 2020.
Thank you to Caroline you have given me my life back. My food intolerances seemed to be getting worse to the point that I did not know what to eat for fear of it upsetting me. After my first visit to Caroline, I was told to cut out many things and to drink plenty of water. It was hard to follow at first but I soon saw an improvement. Each time I visited Caroline, I was able to re-introduce more food into my diet. I am no longer constantly worried about where the next toilet is or if I can go out on time. I would recommend Bromsgrove Allergy and Nutrition Centre to anyone having dietary problems. I have finished my initial five appointments and as time goes on I feel better and better. Thanks Jan. January 2020.
Before I met Caroline, I had suffered with problems with my stomach for years. My bowel movements were so irregular – I would often have bouts of diarrhoea but other days would find that I was constipated, with no clear explanation why. As well as being very inconvenient in my busy lifestyle, I was also often in pain and discomfort and was bloated pretty much all of the time. I had visited my GP who carried out blood tests for problems such as Coeliac disease and Crohn’s disease but these had come back clear so the explanation I was given was that it was most likely irritable bowel syndrome, most likely brought on by stress from my job. I was advised that certain foods can trigger IBS but as there was no clear pattern to my bowel movements relating to what I had eaten, I had no confidence that my stomach problems would ever go away and thought it was something I would just have to carry on putting up with. Caroline was recommended to me by a relative and after hearing about her method of testing I will admit that at first I was a bit sceptical! I needn’t have been though – Caroline is clearly very knowledgeable and experienced. After the first session my diet was limited which was hard at first, but I stuck to it and saw improvements very quickly. Over the course of the next 4 sessions I was able to gradually reintroduce most foods and now know which few foods I need to avoid completely or only eat in moderation to keep my stomach in check. The sessions with Caroline also highlighted that other health related issues that I had just put down to my lifestyle (e.g. cracked lips, poor concentration, low energy) were also attributable to my diet and have all improved as a result of seeing Caroline. I would recommend Bromsgrove Allergy to anyone who may be suffering with similar symptoms – you don’t need to learn to live with them! Kirsty
The day I met Caroline for the first time, I had complete confidence in her. I had been suffering from chronic migraines and didn’t want to take any more pills. I had various other health issues too including nausea, stomach ache, IBS and CFS/ME. Caroline made me very welcome and took a history of my symptoms. She seemed to understand completely why I was feeling like I did and she knew immediately what I needed to do to improve my symptoms and gave me a diet to be following within the next month. I bought a few essentials on the way home that day and the following morning, after breakfast, I did not feel sick and by the time I went to work I did not feel exhausted. I have been following the diet now for 9 months and my health is improving steadily. I no longer get debilitating migraines and I rarely get nausea, stomach ache and IBS. I have even improved my CFS/ME symptoms. I am continuing with the diet although I have finished my initial 5 appointment treatment with Caroline and I feel hopeful that as time goes on I will feel better and better. I would recommend Caroline, without hesitation, and I hope that others will have the same success as me. Rachel M December 2019
Thinking back, l was probably having problems to a much lesser degree for a decade. I had always found an excuse for my symptoms and had certainly dismissed the possibility of any allergies or intolerances. These ‘problems’ had increased in regularity since around 2014 and for the last two years had become worse causing, at least, inconvenience, and, at worst, real issues with day to day life. I had consulted my GP and been referred to a consultant who performed an ultra sound, a scan and a colonoscopy. This showed diverticular disease but fortunately no sinister problems. However, in 2019 l was struggling with lower stomach pains, bloating and eventually, the inability to eat almost anything without pain and, more often than not, diarrhoea. I had followed instructions to eat a high fibre diet, to be honest, l always had eaten what l thought was a healthy diet and embraced brown bread, flour, rice and pasta, plenty of nuts and seeds and plenty of veg. This wasn’t helping! A friend recommended Caroline whom l first saw in June 2019. I had looked at the website and must admit l was pretty sceptical of kinesiology but l was willing to give it a try. Caroline put me at ease, was knowledgeable and understanding and explained things as she tested me. I showed as having a gluten intolerance, a dairy intolerance, a yeast intolerance, Dysbiosis (a lack of good bacteria in the bowel), a count of 13 over 28 for Candida Albicans showing a bacteria overgrowth in the gut, mild malabsorption, an unstable blood sugar level and dehydration. I was given a pretty limited diet but l st I continued to see Caroline on a monthly basis and each time there was an improvement and an increase to my allowed diet. Now, 5 months on, l am allowed many more foods. I have got a gluten intolerance and there are some yeast products, pulses, fruits and vegetables l can’t eat but l can have cheese and wine in moderation so all is good with the world! I know with diverticular disease a bout of diverticulitis can occur and is painful and unpleasant but Caroline has given me confidence to tackle that and l know l can revert to my original diet to get things back on track. I would recommend Bromsgrove Allergy and Nutrition Centre to anyone having dietary problems and l know Caroline advises on a great many conditions besides. I will certainly continue to see Caroline and have great faith in her. Lee, November 2019
Hi Caroline Thank you doesn’t seem enough! You have given me my life back. I came to you back in June this year and after getting over the initial shock of what I needed to cut out of my diet, and learning what foods were making me so ill, it has been a journey. Not only a journey but skills for the rest of my life! I have seen that by sticking to your plan and by changing my food lifestyle this has healed many years of believing that I couldn’t ever better. It meant a lot to know that you were also at the end of the phone or to reply by email when I needed support or advise. Thank you so much!!!! Joy – November 2019
Dear Caroline. I would like to thank you for all you have done for me. Before I saw you I was feeling very sick. I had sick coming up in my throat and then going back down again. Every time I ate food, I had stomach pains, was burping and was running to the toilet.
My mum took me to the doctors and I had a blood test which didn’t show anything. At this point, I was being sent home from school on a regular basis because I was feeling so sick.
I came and saw you and after you tested lots of food products on me, we changed my diet drastically and within 24 hours of seeing you, I was feeling so much better. I had to take lots of supplement but was feeling much better within weeks of changing my diet. Every time I came back to see you I was able to eat more food products and now I can have lots except for gluten.
I cannot thank you enough for what you have done for me. I hope you help other people the way you helped me and I will continue to eat the foods you have told me to eat as I feel so much better.
From Liam (age 12) June 2018.
I wouldn’t call myself an unhealthy person or a bad eater, I’m aware of nutrition and what’s good for you and bad. However, I still found I was having struggles with my digestion, skin, well-being and overall self so I decided to get some help and advice and came across Bromsgrove Allergy and Nutrition. Caroline has helped me greatly in starting to understand food better, what my body can handle and not, which has helped me to turn around eating lifestyle for the better. I have seen such great improvements with the changes I have made and I feel so much better in myself. Thank you! Bożena September 2019
Caroline was recommended to me by my brother, who Caroline had diagnosed with gluten intolerance. I was experiencing symptoms of bloating and tiredness and I was diagnosed with a yeast allergy amongst other things such as malabsorption and chronic dehydration. At first I had to cut out a number of food items and drink water, initially this seemed hard, but the results came quickly and I started to feel better within 2 weeks. At each session I could eat more and more foods until there were only a few items that just did not suit my body, which is understandable once Caroline explains it to you. As our lifestyles and living situations change, events can affect our bodies in remarkable ways. Since my initial visit, I have seen Caroline twice more with new symptoms and concerns and she has set me back on track with my diet, each time leaving me feeling much improved after each session. Caroline is easy to talk to and extremely supportive. I cannot thank her enough for how she has helped me over the years. Regards Leigh – August 2019
I first went to see Caroline in January 2019 after experiencing stomach, skin and energy issues. My food intolerances had gone from bad to worse, to the point I was becoming scared to eat, everything seemed to have a reaction. After just 5 visits to Caroline’s clinic, with her knowledge and skill, I now know I am allergic to dairy and intolerant to yeast, sugar and wheat. Still a work in progress, as she feels there is more she can discover with time. I will definitely return for further sessions once I have given the new eating regime some time and have further results to share with Caroline. Thank you. Jane B. July 2019
I have known Caroline for quite a few years now and she has helped me in the past with food intolerances and general well-being advice. Last year, I felt dreadful, no energy, bad skin. The doctor said I had IBS and I just felt thoroughly unwell. Then in May, I developed very still and very painful joints. They swelled up to the point where I found it difficult to get around and felt like an old person of 90 !! My digestion was terrible and I developed what the doctor told me was eczema on my hands. The entire palm side of my hands and fingers peeled down a good few layers of skin, leaving them cracked, bleeding and extremely sore. I had to bathe them in creams and ointments everyday just so I could use them without severe pain. I was then diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis, which 1 in 10 people with psoriasis develop and I just happened to be one of the unlucky ones. The doctor wanted to start me on very strong medication which comes with its own set of side effects and steroid injections. Neither of which I was going to take after reading up about them on the internet. It was then that I thought I would look Caroline up. Luckily for me, she was just opening her new clinic in Bromsgrove. I was so glad I went along to see her on her open day. I could hardly get up the steps as I was in that much pain and nearly in tears when I got into her office. When I filled in the consultation form she could hardly believe the things I had suffered, numerous operations and illnesses, now the arthritis. I was at my lowest. Caroline put me on a strict eating regime, very plain and boring with lots of water. I didn’t care. I would try anything rather than take those drugs. For 4 weeks I ate what I called ‘cardboard food’, but hey, I started to feel better and the skin on my hands was clearing up. Slowly I was allowed to eat more food that my body could digest and after about 5 – 6 weeks my hands had cleared up completely. I couldn’t believe it. I have carried on with Caroline’s advice and six months on, I am managing my condition much better. I have lost weight, (about one stone), my joints aren’t as swollen or painful, my digestion is great, no more IBS and people say I look ten years younger !! If I hadn’t known about Caroline and her clinic, it could have been a very different story. I only take painkillers if my condition flares up, dig deep and live without strong medication. So to anyone who is thinking of trying something other than drugs, I am living proof that a change in lifestyle and help from Caroline, has turned my life around and I can pursue a relatively normal life as long as I take care of myself. If I hadn’t been for Caroline’s help and kindness, I don’t know where I would be now, but one things for certain, I know I wouldn’t feel this good. Alison H.
We started our journey around 6 years ago or so we thought. My son, Mason, at the age of 8, was having horrible stomach aches. We thought it would go away but after continuing for quite a while we visited the doctor who said he was growing !! After a while we went back to the doctors as it had not gone and we had to cope with numerous days off. We eventually, after some pushing, got sent to a paediatric doctor who prescribed medicine that had awful side effects and caused stomach upsets which produced toilet issues in public. But still had no real help until a friend said to remove dairy, which I did and the effect it had was wonderful. However, it came back so we got sent to another doctor who was no help at all and I totally lost my faith in them. Watching your child suffer is horrible. We were so totally lost and struggling to help him then a friend recommended Caroline and at first I was sceptical but the fact that it was a natural remedy was what attracted me. So we went to see Caroline and have not looked back since. We have found this has probably been a thing since birth as he had eczema and asthma as a child but it took Caroline to link it all. My son has done monthly visits for 6 months and the difference is amazing. He is dairy free, gluten free, low sugar and avoids certain foods. I would highly recommend this natural choice to anyone. Thank you so much for making my son’s life a lot happier. Mason and mum.
Where to begin, well I was always that ‘poorly’ child growing up if there was something going round I got it. I was plagued with ear-aches, throat infections, tonsillitis, tummy troubles and regular visits to the doctors. Then at university I was diagnosed as having IBS after having had food poisoning. As the years progressed, I kept food diaries, trying to watch what I ate and having tried a collection of medications the symptoms persisted. In 2009 I was further diagnosed as having Rheumatoid Arthritis and preceded down a path of numerous medications and all their side effects and medications to control the side effects. I literally accepted to learn to live a life filled with pain and a lack of mobility. In 2016 it all came to a head. I spent a summer struggling in discomfort and doubled over in pain almost calling an ambulance for myself, when my sister suggested she’d heard of someone that had helped a friend with Crohn’s disease through diet and had worked with other people with rheumatoid arthritis. So I contacted Bromsgrove Allergy & Nutrition and made an appointment with Caroline Sproule. Caroline put me completely at ease and by the end of my first appointment everything became clear all my illnesses over the years made sense. I was gluten, yeast, dairy and soya intolerant and suffering from Candida Albicans. I left Caroline’s office with a very short list of foods I could eat, at this point I was slightly shocked about how little I could eat but completely relieved that I now had an explanation and was being taken seriously. Caroline told me that the first 3 weeks would be tough and she was right I got sore throat, earache and felt generally lousy but by the time of my next appointment, (at 3 weeks) I had come through it and I was starting to feel better. When tested I had a few more foods added to my list and my Candida levels were dropping. Again Caroline explained the next three weeks would be tough and she would see me again then, (at 6weeks). I went and stuck religiously to my list of foods and yes there were days that I wasn’t great but I was in this for the long haul. By 6 weeks I felt amazing. I was revitalised, full of energy and had lost weight. My next appointment went well with my Candida levels dropping and gaining a few more foods to my list. We continued this process until my Candida levels were down to normal I had never felt so good. I went from having to warm my joints up just to start a day to being able to walk up a mountain on my own! When the hospital did blood tests the rheumatoid arthritis markers were not present in the blood and I am now pain free after years of suffering!! All this time and all those medications when all I had needed was to eat the right diet for me, I will be forever indebted to Caroline. Something that most people don’t know about me is that for 14 years I had tried to start a family and we endured three unfortunate losses. When I first visited Caroline she told me I would need to wait a year I said, “no, I wasn’t willing to wait that long” as I was already 42, but Caroline explained that my body was currently too toxic and needed time to start to heal, and it would take at least 3 months to start to see this change. So we set off on this journey knowing it was my health that we had to fix. Almost a year after we first met I had the pleasure of phoning Caroline to tell her I was pregnant! Caroline went on to guide me and regularly test me throughout my pregnancy to ensure I was a healthy host. My beautiful daughter Iona was born this summer, happy and healthy and I am continuing to feel amazing. When I look back I’m so glad I made that call at the end of summer 2016 because that is where I got to meet Caroline my Fairy Godmother and I will be eternally grateful to her for helping me achieve my Happy Ever After! Carol M November 2018
Dear Caroline, On behalf of my husband, Dennis, I wanted to say a “BIG thank you” to you for sorting out his special dietary needs. I must admit I was a bit sceptical before our first visit to you, but it didn’t take me long to realise what a special and knowledgeable person you are. Just to remind you of our first visit to you myself and Dennis came to speak to you to explain that for as long as we could remember he has suffered with stomach cramps, bloating and daily diarrhoea problems making life very difficult sometimes. After endless visits to the doctor he was told he had IBS and given pain tablets. We tried hard to work out what specific foods would set him off, but were never successful in identifying them. However you did it after chatting to him for just 20 minutes. You arranged a can eat, and can’t eat diet and after the first two weeks he was pain free, bloating free, stomach cramps free, pain tablets free and feeling much better. Now after 3 sessions with you re-testing him, he has been able to re-introduce various foods again after each visit. It had been a hard slog to find suitable foods for him, but really worth it. He is now living a normal life. We would both like to say how patient and professional you are, in fact a life saver and we will never be able to THANK YOU enough for the help, advice and testing you have done for him. With kind regards Kathy and obviously Dennis December 2018
A few months ago whilst chatting to a friend with regard to the problems I was having with my bowels, she suggested I make an appointment to see Caroline Sproule as she knew someone who had benefitted from her treatment. I was also suffering from migraines. I met Caroline, who is a warm and friendly person, and it was soon discovered that my liver wasn’t working properly. After a while, under Caroline’s guidance, I have recovered really well and would advise anyone with problems to make an appointment. I feel fitter and have also not had a migraine since starting the course and I have also lost weight !! Thank you Caroline for sorting me out. Regards Margaret D.
On the 11th February 2010 I went to see Caroline after a recommendation from a family member. I had been suffering with terrible bowel problems, mood swings, depression, low motivation and many others; all of which led me to go to the first appointment to see if there were any changes I could make to my diet to improve the situation.
My first appointment was very informative and Caroline soon explained why I had been feeling the way I had and the diagnosis also explained a lot of my other symptoms which I had tried to overlook or I used other reasons to explain them. The upshot was I was suffering with a severe case of Candida overgrowth in the bowel, which because it had gone untreated for so long had started to affect my internal organs and my reproductive cycle.
Caroline immediately put me on a detox diet to starve the Candida and I took a supplement to build up the good bacteria in my bowels in order to fight off the fungus. By my second appointment my Candida levels had started to drop and my liver and kidneys were functioning a lot better. I then started a course of supplements to destroy the Candida and flush out my liver. Both of these supplements worked wonders and I soon started to feel 100% better, most of my old symptoms had disappeared and I also had my first monthly cycle for 6 months.
By my third appointment all my symptoms had disappeared and my Candida levels were well under control and almost at a normal level. I am now able to eat all foods in moderation and feel so much more positive about food in general and have a better understanding of what I am eating and how it will affect my body and what its nutritional value is.
Finally I have just found out the wonderful news that I am 14 weeks pregnant after 5 years of trying for a baby with my husband. I can’t thank Caroline enough for all her help and support over the last 5 months.
Julie – a very happy mother-to-be 2010
I had been poorly for about 2 months , I had lots of symptoms, burping ( a lot ) , wind , back ache, tummy ache, diarrhoea then constipation , constantly feeling sick and being sick on a few occasions.
It was making me really upset because this was affecting my running which I really enjoyed.
Caroline was recommended by a friend of my mums and I’m so happy we went to see her .
On my first visit Caroline knew straight away I was gluten intolerant, she put me on a gluten and dairy free diet for 3 weeks hoping that I’d be able to have dairy again at some point .
I felt 80% better within 2 days .
Each day that passed I got more like my old self and my running got better and better.
I’ve now been gluten free since October 2018 I can have dairy in moderation I’m 100% back to normal and I got picked to run for Hereford and Worcestershire in the national cross country , it’s all thanks to Caroline and the amazing job she does !
Thank you Caroline from Zak Price
On behalf of my husband, Dennis, I wanted to say a “BIG thank you” to you for sorting out his special dietary needs.
I must admit I was a bit sceptical before our first visit to you, but it didn’t take me long to realise what a special and knowledgeable person you are.
Just to remind you of our first visit to you myself and Dennis came to speak to you to explain that for as long as we could remember he has suffered with stomach cramps, bloating and daily diarrhoea problems making life very difficult sometimes. After endless visits to the doctor he was told he had IBS and given pain tablets. We tried hard to work out what specific foods would set him off, but were never successful in identifying them. However you did it after chatting to him for just 20 minutes. You arranged a can eat, and can’t eat diet and after the first two weeks he was pain free, bloating free, stomach cramps free, pain tablets free and feeling much better.
Now after 3 sessions with you re-testing him, he has been able to re-introduce various foods again after each visit. It had been a hard slog to find suitable foods for him, but really worth it. He is now living a normal life.
We would both like to say how patient and professional you are, in fact a life saver and we will never be able to THANK YOU enough for the help, advice and testing you have done for him.
With kind regards
Kathy and obviously Dennis December 2018
Dear Caroline. Having been desperately worried about my 14 year old daughter and seeing the miraculous results, having taken her to see you, I decided it was about time I focused on myself and getting my own problems sorted.
I had suffered with IBS for around 10 years. I was very bloated and in constant pain on a daily basis. I just couldn’t deduct which foods weren’t suiting me. Nothing I tried myself helped. It was really getting me down. I couldn’t wear any nice dresses, or clothes I wanted to without looking pregnant! I was also having terrible problems with my monthly periods. I felt ill most weeks of the month and my skin was getting spotty, my ears were blocked and I was in a mess.
After seeing you and starting my new recommended diet, along with supplements, within a few days, I was already seeing huge improvements.
Now I have finished my sessions with Caroline, I am feeling like a new person. I am no longer in constant pain, my periods have settled down, I’ve lost weight and I have so much more energy, which is amazing!
I can’t thank you Caroline enough for what you have done for me and my daughter. It’s been such a pleasure coming to see you and listening to all your advice on health and nutrition. I am so grateful for everything you have done for us. My daughter and I are really enjoying cooking healthy recipes together and eating a much broader range of foods, even though we both still have intolerances to avoid!
Thank you again for everything,
Sarah (November 2018)
I went to see Caroline in spring 2017. I’d been really ill for about 18 months and getting progressively worse. I had severe stomach cramps after every time that I ate, I had no energy, I could bloat up by 2 dress sizes in one day causing my clothes to be uncomfortable and I lost my concentration.
The doctors were at a loss. They had done many tests including: ultra sound scans, tests for helicobacter pylori, multiple blood tests and many different tablets to combat acid reflux (which was their assumption). None of these tests showed up anything wrong with me and the tablets they gave me did absolutely nothing to help. I had been to Holland and Barrett and, listening to the doctor as people usually do, found peppermint tablets as these were supposed to help with acid reflux and calming your stomach. These helped a small amount, meaning that I no longer curled up into a ball of pain after eating my lunch at work, but they by no means stopped any of the symptoms I had.
After hearing about Caroline through a family friend, I decided going to see her was worth a try. At this point I was desperate and wiling to try anything. Caroline told me that I had low stomach acid which meant I wasn’t digesting and absorbing my food properly. This meant that the acid-reducing tablets prescribed by the doctor were actually exacerbating the problem. I followed the food plan that Caroline gave me at my first session to the letter. I stopped taking the acid reducing tablets from the doctor and started taking probiotic tablets and digestive enzyme tablets that Caroline recommended. The food plan was very restrictive, partly because I’m also vegetarian, and my family and I had to think carefully to come up with meals I could eat! However, I felt it was worth sticking to and trying if it even had a possibility of working. It took about 6 weeks of this food plan before my symptoms went away. It felt like a miracle – I was a new person and I could enjoy food again. I had my energy and motivation back. I could eat! I could have a meal without getting pains part way through and giving up. I stopped being scared of food! After eating I no longer curled up on the sofa with a hot water bottle to ease the pain. My clothes fit me again as I stopped bloating so I felt more confident with my body. I felt like myself again.
After 6 weeks on a very restricted food plan, I was able to slowly add foods back in. It has now been about a year and a half since I first saw Caroline and I feel amazing. I have the energy to exercise again and my creativity is back to enjoy craft projects again. I still stick very strictly to a gluten free and lactose free diet, but I’ve adjusted and it now feels easy to do and such a small sacrifice to feel well and happy.
I cannot recommend Caroline more highly and I thank her so much for helping me to live my life to its full potential again.
Kim 2018
I first went to see Caroline three months ago, on the recommendation of my sister, with symptoms of bloating, tiredness and poor sleep patterns.
I was tested for numerous foods and deficiencies and subsequently followed a fairly restricted diet: cutting out most grains, dairy products, pulses, sweeteners and some fruits.
Three months later I still need to avoid wheat/rye, cheese, pulses and some fruits but the bloating has disappeared, energy levels have risen and I am mostly sleeping a lot better and feel very well in myself.
Two added bonuses – I no longer feel stiff when getting up in the morning and I have lost over half a stone.
Thanks for your help in sorting out my diet/health !
Jane B December 2018
I visited Bromsgrove Allergy and Nutrition Centre after a friend highly recommended it to me. I had suffered with IBS for nearly 20 years and had tried various medications from the doctor with very limited success. For me, IBS gave me unpredictable and urgent bowel movements. Over the years, my anxiety levels had increased as I worried about having a flare up at an inconvenient time, such as at work or whilst travelling. As a result of this, in an effort to control my symptoms, I had been eating a very restricted and overall unhealthy diet with very limited fruit and vegetables, yet I still had flare ups.
During my first visit to Caroline, she put me at ease immediately, reassuring me that if I follow the diet plan my symptoms would vanish.
I didn’t believe her, but went away and followed the eating plan as instructed anyway! I fully expected it to be a difficult road with many a flare up – I was eating food and vegetables I hadn’t eaten in years – but can honestly say I haven’t had an upset stomach since that day!
I gradually grew in confidence and, although tricky sometimes, I stuck rigidly to the plan and accompanying recommended supplements.
During further sessions, Caroline’s positivity, attentiveness and accuracy with identifying my problem foods amazed me. My eating plan evolved as my digestive health improved. I had my final visit of my initial block of sessions mid November 2018 and fully expected to have to continue with my treatment but my results were astounding. I was cured! It was an emotional day. I never thought anybody would ever tell me that I was ‘fixed’.
Apart from a few things it is recommended I avoid, I can more or less eat a normal diet now. This is something I haven’t been able to do in years. The anxiety that surrounded my day to day life has gone and I feel like I have been given back control of my body.
I cannot recommend Caroline highly enough. She has quite literally changed my life!
Nicola P November 2018
Dear Caroline,
Having been desperately worried about my 14 year old daughter and seeing the miraculous results, having taken her to see you (testimonial included) I decided it was about time I focused on myself and getting my own problems sorted.
I had suffered with IBS for around 10 years. I was very bloated and in constant pain on a daily basis. I just couldn’t deduct which foods weren’t suiting me, nothing I tried myself helped. It was really getting me down, I couldn’t wear any nice dresses, or clothes I wanted to without looking pregnant! I was also having terrible problems with my monthly periods. I felt ill most weeks of the month, my skin was getting spotty, my ears were blocked, I was in a mess. After seeing you and starting my new recommended diet, along with supplements, within a few days, I was already seeing huge improvements.
Now I have finished my sessions with Caroline, I am feeling like a new person. I am no longer in constant pain, my periods have settled down, I’ve lost weight and I have so much more energy, which is amazing!
I can’t thank you Caroline enough for what you have done for me and my daughter. It’s been such a pleasure coming to see you and listen to all your advice on health and nutrition, I am so grateful for everything you have done for us. My daughter and I are really enjoying cooking healthy recipes together and eating a much broader range of foods, even though we both still have intolerances to avoid!
Thank you again for everything,
From the moment I met Caroline I knew she would change my life. Her knowledge, care, sympathy, encouragement and support have been second to none. When I first went to Caroline I was very stressed and couldn’t cope with my symptoms any longer. I was constantly being fobbed off by GPs and I was frustrated and deflated. I was constantly battling bloating, IBS symptoms, exhaustion, weight issues, which were affecting me in all aspects of my life. Added to my problems were the diagnosis of an under active thyroid which left me completely lost. I first saw Caroline in February 2018 and I can safely say I am a different person in September to the person I was in February. Caroline immediately told me I had Candida overgrowth of around 25? And that I needed to trust her and do exactly what she instructed. She told me that I most likely had a dairy and gluten allergy, with cheese being a particular love of mine I was pretty devastated! The journey I have been on in improving my symptoms was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done, but needless to say, I saw pretty much instant results. I followed Caroline’s advice and avoided eating what seemed like all foods, took numerous supplements, completely cut gluten and dairy out of my diet and changed the way I ate, which in turn has changed the way I live. I have now reintroduced a lot of the foods I wasn’t able to handle to start with and I am no longer constantly worried about where the next toilet is, or if I could leave the house on time, and if I did, where could I stop if needed? Caroline has educated me in learning about what my body likes and doesn’t like and I am much more informed when making choices with my eating. The support Caroline has given me, in my opinion was completely priceless as it’s given me a normal life back. I can’t thank her enough and couldn’t recommend her highly enough to anyone needing help.
Georgina B 2018.
I went to see Caroline 5 months ago as a last desperate measure to find help with the dreadful headaches and migraines I had had for 30 years. I had read everything to find a cure, acupuncture, chiropractice, and hypnotherapy and was taking preventative medication but despite this the migraines were getting more frequent and so severe that I had to take painkillers and triptons virtually all the time. I had tried to reduce my medication but couldn’t cope. After taking a case history, Caroline advised of dietary changes and recommended supplements. She assured me that this would help with both the migraines and other health problems. I had IBS, underactive thyroid, fatigue, sluggishness and insomnia. The results have been amazing! I still have occasional headaches but they are less frequent, much less sever and can be treated effectively with just paracetamol. The IBS symptoms vanished completely from day one. I’m sleeping better and have much more energy. My concentration has improved. I have less of a problem with an underactive thyroid and my GP has reduced my thyroxine dosage. This is being monitored and I hope this will continue to improve. The final added bonus is that I have lost 1 ½ stone and not experienced any of the cravings I used to have. Overall, the results have been life changing and now that I have got used to the diet, I will continue. I can’t recommend Caroline highly enough. Marina – June 2018
I went to see Caroline in December 2017, who was recommended by a work colleague. At the time I was suffering with severe IBS. I felt very lethargic all the time and was in constant discomfort with bloating, constipation and stomach pains. All these symptoms were making me feel very low and depressed. I had been to see the doctors on many occasions but to no avail. After my first consultation with Caroline, she found lots of problems with my diet. Caroline then performed a kinesiology test to see which foods I was intolerant to. To my surprise, there were lots of foods to which I was intolerant to that I was eating on a daily basis. Caroline organised a diet plan for me and after following my new diet plan strictly, I can honestly say that my life has changed. I feel amazing with more energy. I’m now having regular bowel movements. My skin and hair have benefitted from my new diet and overall, generally, feel more positive. I’d like to thank Caroline for all her patience and time. Claire R April 2018
I went to Bromsgrove Allergy and Nutrition Clinic six months ago. This was the best decision I have ever made.
I have been suffering with IBS for about 5 years. I had been to the doctors and they told me to stop eating gluten for 2 weeks. Then they said eat no dairy for 2 weeks. That was a waste of time. You cannot diagnose yourself as to what foods you can and can’t eat. I also went to see a nutritionist at the hospital – same again !!My stomach was so big and hard you would have thought I was pregnant. I felt sick every morning when I woke up. I couldn’t go to the toilet properly. I felt really poorly.
When I went to the Allergy Clinic, Caroline put me on a diet for foods that I could eat. I stuck to it. I had lots of things wrong with me that I had no idea about.It took me 5 appointments to get to where I am now – cured. I know what upsets me and I’ve lost weight. I feel wonderful. Caroline saved my life !!
It was hard to do but worth it.Thank you again Caroline.
Sue S March 2018
I just wanted to formalize my heartfelt thanks to you for basically giving me my life back.
Back in April, when I first came to see you, I was at the lowest point I had ever been in my life. I was putting on weight for no apparent reason, was sluggish, listless & seemed to have lost control of my bowels. My bowels were so unpredictable. I started fearing ever going outside my front door, which is a little constraining for a UK Sales Manager! ‘Immediate Urgency’ had become a real & daily fear.
Following 2 years of Medical Specialist consultations and several ‘invasive’ investigations, no solution was offered or advised, I did not know where to turn. I had a recommendation from a friend which I followed up immediately and called the Bromsgrove Allergy & Nutrition Clinic. This was the best thing I have ever done.
The first consultation I had with you seemed to be a series of light bulb moments. The first initial impression I had was, ‘wow, this girl actually understands my problems’. The second moment was that after approx. 5 minutes, you had basically pinned down the root cause to probably being a dairy Intolerance (which I had probably had since I was born) with associated digestive bacteria and liver blocking issues. I won’t pretend that the following dietary regime of the exclusion diet was easy, but motivation was there in terms of a weight loss of nearly a pound per day for the first month – total of 1 stone. Your diagnosis seemed to be perfectly accurate and the effects were fairly quick to manifest themselves, with 100% improvement in bowel activity week on week.
At the end of the 5 consultation program, I have lost more weight, my bowels are mostly under control, I have lots more energy and subsequently I am much more aware of which food groups I can tolerate and which I cannot which means that now I have a choice! As I said up front, you have given me my life back and whilst this may sound cheesy, this is totally accurate.
I would recommend anyone who has any kind of digestive, stomach or bowel complaint to come to you for advice. You are not only a professional of the highest order (I feel I can talk to you freely about anything!) but you are also a loving & caring human being. I cannot thank you enough for your concern, your advice and most importantly your help in guiding me to overcome the worst period of my life, I am and will remain eternally grateful, thank you.
All of it is the truth and summarises my overall feelings about the changes that have occurred since I first visited Caroline, life changing in every sense!
I will forever be in Caroline’s debt!
Mark T from Bromsgrove. August 2016.
I went to see Caroline On Tuesday 11th March 2014 with constant stomach cramps and I would like to report that I haven’t had a stomach cramp since Thursday 13th March! Life is great. I am keeping to the diet and everything is going very well. I didn’t start properly until I got home to Sussex on 12th March and I have been amazed how things settled down so quickly. It has been just over a week now without gluten and my stomach issues have all but cleared up, it is great!
Thank you for all your help and advice and making my life ‘normal’ again.
Keep up the good work,
Sue T
Dear Caroline,
I visited you back in October 2011 for an intolerance to dairy. This was just after finding out I was pregnant. You advised me to stop eating a wide range of foods and take bioacidophilus. I did not stick with the modified diet for more than a month as I found it too difficult whilst being pregnant. However, I did keep taking the tablets and I am very pleased to report that since finishing the tablets, I have gradually re-introduced dairy into my diet and have not had any reaction.
Thank you very much for your help. It is lovely to eat normally again. I have recommended the tablets to my dad and sister and hopefully they will find them as helpful as myself.
Best Regards,
Jane L. May 2012.
My complaints were acid reflux causing weight loss, poor appetite and a number of others including anxiety, chest pain, burning mouth syndrome and fatigue.
I started seeing Caroline after my prescribed medication for acid reflux stopped working. I tried all the medication doctors could think of. However nothing worked and in fact I got worse. I became extremely anxious and worried and simply did not know where to turn. My daughter found Caroline on the internet and made an appointment for me. She changed my diet quite radically to start with but slowly other foods were introduced back in and I did notice a difference after the first few weeks.
Caroline deduced that I had a gluten intolerance and a high level of candida in my stomach. However, being 71 years old it would perhaps take a while for my liver to cleanse itself and the candida to reduce. I stuck to the diet and 9 months later my acid reflux has gone completely and I no longer visit the GP for my health problems. In fact, it’s not only the acid reflux, I feel a whole lot better generally in myself and I am not anxious at all !! The candida has completely gone as well.
I don’t know what I would have done if not for Caroline. She has really helped me and I can honestly say that kinesiology really works.
Sandra D.
About 20 years ago, I began having migraines, which over the years, became more and more frequent. Added to this, I began suffering sudden attacks of diarrhoea. I became weaker and lost confidence to such an extent that just going into town became a major expedition. Holidays were a nightmare. Some of them, disastrous. Various tests were carried out, but all proved to be negative. Three months ago I was in a very low state, suffering two or three migraines a week and having to take medication for the bowel problem every other day.
In desperation, although I have to admit I was somewhat sceptical, I made an appointment to see Caroline at the Bromsgrove Allergy Clinic. After only a few days, on a specially formulated diet, I noticed an improvement. The sudden diarrhoea attacks stopped and after one migraine early on, I have had no more at all. I have more energy. The aches and pains in my joints have disappeared. My confidence has returned. I have my life back again.
Irene – January 2002
I suffered with a lot of stomach acid, which accompanied tiredness and exhaustion. I thought all of these symptoms were associated with my job, as I am a director and Partner in a busy engineering company. I thought my symptoms were stress related and nothing to do with food that I was eating. My wife, who had watched me go to my GP for two years persuaded me to try the Nutrition Programme, which she had attended herself.
I was amazed at the results. A number of food intolerances were found but the main one was milk which I had thought helped neutralize stomach acid.How wrong I was.
I carried out the first 4 week eating plan , sticking very rigidly to the do’s and don’ts on the list. When I returned for my follow up, i found that not only had my intolerances reduced, but also I had more energy, no tiredness and especially no acid in my stomach!
My wife and I would both like to thank you for your support and advice on combating our food intolerances over the past three months and would recommend if anyone is suffering with the symptoms I have had that they take the time to find out about the Nutrition Programme at Bromsgrove Allergy and Nutrition Centre.
Jeff and Linda Charlton
I approached Caroline because, I have suffered from constant bloating, abdominal pain, lack of energy, constant tiredness, sleep deprivation with overnight heavy sweats, lack of concentration and difficulty to remember simple things, skin and menstruation problems.
Caroline helped me after a numerous visits at my local GP. Four different doctors told me that I eat too healthy, prescribed me tablets for my stomach, and directed me to monitor my sleeping. Weeks after weeks nothing has been done and my frustration grew. When I suggested to my GP that perhaps I should see a Nutritionist, he laughed stating that this is not a doctor.
I used Google to search for Nutrition advice around my town. Caroline’s website looked very professional and appealing. Her profile and work experience in nutrition field was very broad, and definitely the best one I found. After the first telephone conversation, I knew that Caroline is a true professional and that she knows the subject very well.
On my first visit I found out that my body is really affected by things I eat. I could hardly eat anything and first few weeks were very difficult. I think this is the point when some people give up, because they don’t see the overall benefit. I have stayed consistent and positive. After few weeks I could eat more and more food, which was like a treat. I had a number of supplements and vitamins to keep my body healthy while some of the foods were missing from my diet.
Overall experience was very unique. I have to admit that at the beginning I was a little bit sceptic to the method Caroline used on me, to check certain allergies. I couldn’t really understand how this could work without laboratory tests. I left my first session with a head full of thoughts; however next sessions only proved that method used was very accurate. I found out things that I didn’t know before. I have recently implemented whole grains and oats to my diet, brown rice, brown pasta, porridge etc; with Caroline I found out that this is something I cannot eat. I am also gluten intolerant.
Caroline is a professional. I particularly liked the fact that she is very honest about treatment. There is not always an easy and enjoyable way to get better, but she keeps motivating and reassuring about the final goal. Caroline gave me some recipe ideas, which was very useful after it was very hard to construct an eatable meal during my diet! After each session I had a list with products I could and couldn’t eat or drink, my progress and list of supplements and vitamins I need to take.
9 months later and I feel great. All the symptoms disappeared and I can enjoy my life again. I found so much about myself and my body and what foods were affecting me. Caroline was very supportive in this journey, what motivated me even more.
I would definitely recommend Caroline to anyone who is looking for professional, friendly and honest advice. If you feel that something is not quite right with you and you have symptoms where your doctor cannot/ ignore to help, you should definitely check as the condition may be triggered by what you eat.
Ewelina. March 2017
Dear Caroline.
A somewhat belated letter of thanks for all you did for me over the summer months regarding my IBS and Indigestion and Stomach Problems.
I was really suffering when I first came to you and you have given me the tools (particularly the supplement HCL and Pepsin) to combat any recurring symptoms. Since my visits to you I feel so much better and really appreciate your help and advice and would most definitely recommend you to anyone.
With Warmest Regards Gerald P, September 2010
I confess to the thought of writing to thank you not long after you started treating me for my longstanding serious problem of ulcerative colitis. The improvement in my general health and well being was quickly apparent under your care. But in spite of this I did not put anything in writing…My reluctance was due in part never having done anything of the sort before as mentioned, but more so to my being in some measure sceptical of continued progressive improvement, due to many disappointments over ten years of suffering. I thank you and am deeply grateful to you for your months of care and successful treatment. I start this year feeling better than I have done in years, feeling stronger, more energetic and with completely settled, comfortable bowel function.
We brought our 9 year old to see Caroline as she had been suffering with tummy pains that had been making her very anxious. Caroline performed Kinesology testing and gave us a list of foods to avoid and some supplements that would help with her acidic levels. We found the sessions very reassuring and enlightening and it highlighted aspects of our daughter’s diet that were causing her troubles, in particular gluten. We would recommend Caroline’s clinic and thank her for the friendly way she interacted with us and our daughter.
Lynsey and Paul L
Prior to seeing Caroline I had been suffering with my stomach for over a year and consequently I was struggling with Anxiety issues because of it.
I was constantly tired, had low energy levels, I didn’t sleep well making me feel grumpy and unsociable. I had burning in my tummy all of the time, bloating and bowel issues. I had been backwards and forwards to the doctors and had some very invasive procedures, and lots of medications, none of which led to making me better.
A friend of mine recommended Caroline and I couldn’t be more grateful. Caroline stripped my diet right back, which wasn’t easy to start with as there really wasn’t much I could eat. However after only one week, I noticed a massive difference. I was already sleeping better which improved my moods and my tummy was a lot more comfortable.
Gradually over my five sessions Caroline introduced more foods and supplements and my conditions continued to get better. My anxiety levels are lower than they have been in a very long time. I am healthier, slimmer and happier and would recommend Caroline to anyone!
Anna F. December 2016
I have suffered thirty years of digestive problems, several endoscopies in that time, never discovering anything untoward and being palmed off with prescription medication, which was never much help.
After my first appointment with Caroline, within 2 weeks I had no stomach aches, no sick feeling after eating and, within a month, my indigestion and heartburn diminished together with my energy levels noticeably increasing. Your treatment – it has been virtually life changing.
It’s wonderful to feel so well – and with the added bonus of losing a stone in weight, all thanks to Caroline who is a lovely friendly lady who always makes you feel totally comfortable.
I would recommend her to anyone.Sheila from Studley
For some twenty years I have suffered with stomach problems, severe cramps, extremely painful menstruation and chronic fatigue. I have over the years sought medical advice from my general practitioner who could provide no explanation as to why this was happening and for a long time I just accepted the issues as ‘part of life’.
Approximately 12 months before attending the allergy centre these symptoms were becoming unmanageable and I was mentally and physically exhausted. I did some research online and came across the allergy centre quite by accident, I was initially recitent but felt a lot of the described symptoms resonated with me.
I was given a complete change of diet, which initially consisted of very basic foods and excluded caffeine, gluten and dairy products. Within weeks my sleep pattern improved, I no longer felt exhausted during the day and all my stomach problems disappeared virtually overnight. Over the next few months different foods are then reintroduced and whilst still avoiding gluten and dairy, I can now eat most foods with no issues.
Whilst the method is somewhat unconventional, the results speak for themselves and have been way beyond my expectations, I have so much more energy, my fatigue and other symptoms are now almost nonexistent. I can now much more easily recognise foods that aren’t appropriate and finally have a better understand as to why I was having the issues previously.
I would strongly recommend this course of treatment, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
Rose D August 2019
For some twenty years I have suffered with stomach problems, severe cramps, extremely painful menstruation and chronic fatigue. I have over the years sought medical advice from my general practitioner who could provide no explanation as to why this was happening and for a long time I just accepted the issues as ‘part of life’.
Approximately 12 months before attending the allergy centre these symptoms were becoming unmanageable and I was mentally and physically exhausted. I did some research online and came across the allergy centre quite by accident, I was initially recitent but felt a lot of the described symptoms resonated with me.
I was given a complete change of diet, which initially consisted of very basic foods and excluded caffeine, gluten and dairy products. Within weeks my sleep pattern improved, I no longer felt exhausted during the day and all my stomach problems disappeared virtually overnight. Over the next few months different foods are then reintroduced and whilst still avoiding gluten and dairy, I can now eat most foods with no issues.
Whilst the method is somewhat unconventional, the results speak for themselves and have been way beyond my expectations, I have so much more energy, my fatigue and other symptoms are now almost nonexistent. I can now much more easily recognise foods that aren’t appropriate and finally have a better understand as to why I was having the issues previously.
I would strongly recommend this course of treatment, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
Rose D August 2019