I went to see Caroline at the start of this year after a long spell of tiredness, poor memory and skin breakouts. I’d become so used to these symptoms that I put them down to age, overwork and possibly the menopause as I had a good diet, exercised regularly and had no weight issues
Caroline quickly identified a gluten intolerance, sluggish liver and adrenal fatigue. I followed the recommended food exclusions and took the recommended supplements and within days some of my symptoms improved, then within a couple of weeks my energy levels began to improve. I stuck to the exclusions throughout the time I saw Caroline, gradually re-introducing some items as my body recovered and until we found those items that were the root cause of my problems. I have made permanent changes to my diet and have felt much better than I have done in years, and I certainly don’t feel old anymore!
I really wished I’d seen Caroline years ago and have recommended her to friends who have been equally as pleased with the advice she has given them.
Helen H ,Nov 2019
I have known Caroline for quite a few years now and she has helped me in the past with food intolerances and general well-being advice.
Last year, I felt dreadful, no energy, bad skin. The doctor said I had IBS and I just felt thoroughly unwell. Then in May, I developed very still and very painful joints. They swelled up to the point where I found it difficult to get around and felt like an old person of 90 !!
My digestion was terrible and I developed what the doctor told me was eczema on my hands. The entire palm side of my hands and fingers peeled down a good few layers of skin, leaving them cracked, bleeding and extremely sore. I had to bathe them in creams and ointments everyday just so I could use them without severe pain. I was then diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis, which 1 in 10 people with psoriasis develop and I just happened to be one of the unlucky ones.
The doctor wanted to start me on very strong medication which comes with its own set of side effects and steroid injections. Neither of which I was going to take after reading up about them on the internet.
It was then that I thought I would look Caroline up. Luckily for me, she was just opening her new clinic in Bromsgrove. I was so glad I went along to see her on her open day. I could hardly get up the steps as I was in that much pain and nearly in tears when I got into her office. When I filled in the consultation form she could hardly believe the things I had suffered, numerous operations and illnesses, now the arthritis. I was at my lowest. Caroline put me on a strict eating regime, very plain and boring with lots of water. I didn’t care. I would try anything rather than take those drugs. For 4 weeks I ate what I called ‘cardboard food’, but hey, I started to feel better and the skin on my hands was clearing up. Slowly I was allowed to eat more food that my body could digest and after about 5 – 6 weeks my hands had cleared up completely. I couldn’t believe it.
I have carried on with Caroline’s advice and six months on, I am managing my condition much better. I have lost weight, (about one stone), my joints aren’t as swollen or painful, my digestion is great, no more IBS and people say I look ten years younger !!
If I hadn’t known about Caroline and her clinic, it could have been a very different story. I only take painkillers if my condition flares up, dig deep and live without strong medication.
So to anyone who is thinking of trying something other than drugs, I am living proof that a change in lifestyle and help from Caroline, has turned my life around and I can pursue a relatively normal life as long as I take care of myself. If I hadn’t been for Caroline’s help and kindness, I don’t know where I would be now, but one things for certain, I know I wouldn’t feel this good.
Alison H.
Dear Caroline.
I was at the end of my tether. I was itching all over my back, head, face, eyes, eyebrows. It was very severe itching. I wanted to claw at the itching in spite of many visits to my doctor. I had used creams, medication and body washes. In fact, all sorts of things but I was still itching. After waiting for ages, I got an appointment at the Skin Clinic. They were no help to me.
Then, when I was walking through Bromsgove one day I spotted Bromsgrove allergy & Nutrition and decided to enquire. Caroline explained the treatment to me. I have to say that I was highly sceptical but desperation urged me on. It took a while but I am pleased to report that all the itching has gone.
If, like me, you are thinking of treatment, then I would recommend Caroline Sproule to you. You just need to trust in what she tells you.
With many thanks from Chris T.
Dear Caroline,
I would like to thank you for everything you have done for me and helping me with my topical steroid withdrawal. I can finally say that I am completely steroid free. I have definitely healed really well, particularly during my holiday in February in Spain. It must’ve been the Vitamin D that helped my skin because the healing process really sped up.
My face is completely clear and not red at all anymore. It is completely back to normal and it has regained back its moisture so it’s no longer tight or dry so I can finally use a normal moisturiser and no more oily Vaseline jelly! With regards the rest of my body, the eczema from the steroids has completely cleared. However, the inside of my elbows are still a little dry but there’s no scabs! It’s also wrinkly so I need to let my body repair those areas over time. It’s definitely better than before and I’m so happy that I’ve finally gotten to this point.
I’m still avoiding egg and milk on its own however I’m still eating chocolate, sweets, fizzy drinks etc. but I don’t react to them anymore as bad as I used to. I did try egg on its own as an omelette and I flared up on my chest and neck so I’m not having any of that for now. I also have ice cream every now and then but of course I’m not having it too much or too often.
I’m not wearing foundation any more to cover up because I don’t need to! I’m the most comfortable I’ve felt in a long time. No more dead skin dust in my bed, no more uncomfortable itching, no more insomnia and I’m not as self-conscious as I was before. However, I still have to cover up my arms and legs just until all the eczema marks fade so I can finally wear summer clothes!
I can’t thank you enough for the appointments and the diet plans.
Thank you so much!
Rachel Wong
Having always had problems with my skin and acne, I have tried everything from antibiotics to cutting out gluten, dairy etc. I have always eaten healthy and lead an active lifestyle, and as such my problem skin had been a source of frustration and confusion. I found Bromsgrove Allergy & Nutrition Centre, and Caroline, whilst searching on the internet, and thought I would seek professional help.After going through everything with Caroline she diagnosed a Candida Albican overgrowth and produced a bespoke list with foods I should avoid for the time being to resolve the problem. After clearly explaining what the problem was and how it came about, I was reassured and stuck to the diet plan for a number of months. From the offset my skin had noticeably calmed and it was rare that I got a new spot. Furthermore, I noticed a number of other minor health issues that must have been linked, such as mild athletes foot, to disappear. I also experienced an increase in mood and energy, which I didn’t even realise I was lacking until after a few weeks into the diet. It is now four months later and my skin on my face is clear for the first time in roughly ten years. If I do stray from the diet in any way I am at least aware of why I react, which is a vast improvement on the frustration before and stress free to correct.
I have been back to Caroline a further two times since my initial appointment, each time we have seen improvements and Caroline has assessed me to find new foods to add into my diet with no ill-effects.
I am very glad I came to Bromsgrove Allergy and Nutrition Centre and met Caroline. I now have a much clearer understanding of the issue and what I need to eat to cure myself. As a result, I have much more confidence in everyday life through the lack of acne / spots, which I am extremely thankful for.
Josh P. February 2017
I would like to thank you for curing virtually all my skin problems. Before I first came to see you last Autumn I had two expensive appointments with a dermatologist at a well known private hospital in the Midlands. My skin, particularly on my back and scalp, had become extremely dry and flaky. The dermatologist diagnosed seborrheic dermatitis and psoriasis but told me that there is no real cure. He prescribed moisturising cream and a specialist shampoo which had no effect and basically told me I would just have to get used to the condition.
My wife suggested that I had nothing to lose by consulting you. I must admit to being skeptical and did not really see how my diet, which is good and has been largely unchanged for the last half century, could be responsible for the relatively sudden deterioration in my skin.
My first session with you was a revelation. You probed my medical history which included problems with ENT as a child followed by really bad acne leading to several years on a broad spectrum antibiotic. You explained these antibiotics had killed off much of my natural defence system against the proliferation of candida albicans in my gut and this had spread and was largely responsible for my skin conditions
You also diagnosed an adverse reaction to many of my favourite food including cows’ cheese, bananas, most foodstuffs containing yeast (including bread and to my horror beer, lager and wine !) and I started taking regular doses of various pro biotics, vitamins and liver health tablets
Over the five months that I have been seeing you my skin has improved dramatically and is now virtually back to normal
Thank you so much. Conventional medicine has much to learn. Had I listened to the “specialist” I fear I would now be in an even worse condition than when I first took his (expensive and useless) advice
Please keep up your great work
Nick M-J April 2017
Since I can remember I have always been an eczema sufferer. Weekly trips to the GP as a child, countless visits to dermatologists and ‘specialists’ as a youth.
Frustration, emotional distress and excruciating pain would be a daily occurrence. I would be prescribed medications to calm and sooth the irritation which would help for a few weeks or so and then I became so immune to the topical/oral medication (including STEROIDS!) it would no longer work. It came to a point where my GP had stated “you have been prescribed all of the available medications available”. I felt he had lost hope and it suddenly became real that I would have this for the rest of my life.
Then an idea that I hadn’t even considered was brought to my attention from a colleague. Nutritional changes would help my condition within. She had visited Bromsgrove Allergy and Nutrition Centre and recommended it. I gave it a shot, what did I have to lose. After Kinesiology testing I was found to hold many intolerance’s of which I had no idea about, ie. dairy, eggs, etc. After a full detox and following my new strict regime for a few months… WOW, the improvement was drastic. I cannot express how much my confidence was raised. I received so many compliments from my improvement. It has been over three years now without a trace of eczema. I consider myself CURED.
I cannot thank you enough for how you have helped me with my eczema and in turn my alopecia. When I was first referred to you my skin was in a very bad way. As you will remember my face, arms, legs, ankles, front and back were covered in red itchy flaky skin which was disgusting. Also, my hair had bald patches of alopecia caused by stress. I can remember that within the first 4 weeks of sticking to the diet you advised me and stopping all the medication from the doctors, there was a dramatic improvement. I think the biggest shock of all was how my hair had started to come back, even though you were curing my eczema. Well, you will be happy to know that I am completely eczema free and I have a full head of hair for the first time since I was 15.
I contacted Caroline when Callum was about 5 months old
She tested my son for many different foods and known allergens using kinesiology. It took many weeks, but gradually his body cleared itself of all the un-digested milk products in his system. His puffiness, eczema & red face all went away.
Yes, you do have to pay for Caroline’s knowledge, support, guidance and advice, but it is invaluable. She is a professional in her field. She doesn’t pacify you with what you want to hear, she tells it like it is and bases her advice on knowledge and experiences of others and herself. If I hadn’t sought out an alternative solution to his issues, Callum might have gotten sicker and sicker.
Michaela Douglas
Bromsgrove Allergy and Nutrition Centre helped give me my confidence back!!
I have suffered on and off with acne since the age of 15, both on my face, back and chest. I hoped as I got older that it would get better but as I hit my twenties, it seemed to get worse. (I am now 24). I have tried various treatments prescribed by dermatologists over the years including oral medications and topical solutions, numerous contraception methods to regulate hormones and not to mention the usual over the counter spot treatments!
Towards the end of last year I had just about given up hope. I had come off all medication as it seemed to be making things worse and I felt thoroughly down in the dumps. Around this time, Bromsgrove allergy and Nutrition Centre moved their office into the building I worked in. After catching me on a particularly bad day, I broke down and confessed to Caroline how miserable I was and she advised that I should see her in the clinic.
Caroline put me at ease at once and I soon opened up to her and told her about the problems I had been suffering over the last few years. The acne was the most obvious and bothered me the most but I had also been treated for depression and insomnia and had struggled to keep weight on leaving me very gaunt. After giving me a sheet of symptoms, Caroline asked me to tick off the things I suffered from. I couldn’t believe how many ticks I made. Little things from getting up a lot in the night to go to the toilet and suffering from poor concentration, things about myself I had always accepted and never thought to link together.
After some more discussion, Caroline thought it was likely that I had been suffering from an undiagnosed yeast intolerance known as candida and she immediately arranged to test me using Kinesiology. I was very skeptical at first but at a point where I was willing to give anything a try. After experiencing the testing, there was no way I could deny that it is an authentic practice. It confirmed her fears that I was suffering with a severe case of Candida.
Caroline then wrote me a strict diet and gave some herbal tablets to flush the toxins out of my system which had built up from years of taking antibiotics. It was hard work over a number of months and it certainly took dedication at mealtimes but I am now back to eating normally with only a few exception and I am so much happier. My skin is completely clear, bar a few spots at certain times of the month. I feel bubblier and happier and overall confident. To the extent that I have left my job and am about to embark on a 12 month round-the-world trip, something I have wanted to do for years but have never had the confidence to do.
I think myself so lucky that I got to meet Caroline or I could so easily be in the same situation today. So thank you Caroline for giving me my life back. I would recommend you to anyone and everyone!!
Caroline, not sure where to begin to say thank you. You’ve done so much to help me when no one else wanted to with my IBS… Then Siena came along – after what felt like endless months of battling with my GP and Health Visitor about Siena’s constipation, which was so severe she screamed when she went to the toilet, and her severe eczema, again, I turned to you for help. I was at my whit’s end and tearing my hair out hoping somebody would listen and you did. You helped Siena’s constipation and after a long battle with milks we sorted out her eczema. We are so very grateful for your time and compassion to help us and we are so glad we sorted her body out. A lot of time and patience but it was worth it! Thank you for all your help.
Victoria W
Having always had problems with my skin and acne, I have tried everything from antibiotics to cutting out gluten, dairy etc. I have always eaten healthy and lead an active lifestyle, and as such my problem skin had been a source of frustration and confusion. I found Bromsgrove Allergy & Nutrition Centre, and Caroline, whilst searching on the internet, and thought I would seek professional help.
After going through everything with Caroline she diagnosed a Candida Albican overgrowth and produced a bespoke list with foods I should avoid for the time being to resolve the problem. After clearly explaining what the problem was and how it came about, I was reassured and stuck to the diet plan for a number of months. From the offset my skin had noticeably calmed and it was rare that I got a new spot. Furthermore, I noticed a number of other minor health issues that must have been linked, such as mild athletes foot, to disappear. I also experienced an increase in mood and energy, which I didn’t even realise I was lacking until after a few weeks into the diet. It is now four months later and my skin on my face is clear for the first time in roughly ten years. If I do stray from the diet in any way I am at least aware of why I react, which is a vast improvement on the frustration before and stress free to correct.
I have been back to Caroline a further two times since my initial appointment, each time we have seen improvements and Caroline has assessed me to find new foods to add into my diet with no ill-effects.
I am very glad I came to Bromsgrove Allergy and Nutrition Centre and met Caroline. I now have a much clearer understanding of the issue and what I need to eat to cure myself. As a result, I have much more confidence in everyday life through the lack of acne / spots, which I am extremely thankful for.
Josh P. February 2017
Hi Caroline, just want to say a massive thank you for all you help. I came to you regarding my rash. After a chat and some allergy tests you diagnosed I had Candida, too much yeast in my liver. After a diet, on your advice, the yeast slowly came down and my liver recovered. Also you diagnosed that I had a gluten intolerance, so I stated eating gluten free food. Since all your advice about food that I can and can’t eat I feel so much better. I came to you feeling low, fed up, tired all the time with constant headaches and foggy brain and after our first meeting and starting the diet my foggy brain went. Slowly after my headaches started going which made me feel so much better, less tired and not feeling low. Thank you again. I don’t know what I would have done without all your advice. You have changed my life for the better Kind Regards Claire C. October 2017
I had a really itchy rash all over my body that was red and hot like sunburn, it looked awful and I felt awful, I was suffering with excruciating pain caused by it, anything that touched my skin felt like sandpaper, I wasn’t sleeping, I needed to use ice-packs throughout the night which only took the edge off a little, I felt really unhappy and miserable, it was really debilitating. My doctor couldn’t diagnose it to help me, I was prescribed many creams/medications all of which cost me a fortune and yet none of them helped.
A friend recommended Caroline; I can’t recommend her enough – she’s brilliant, I’d go so far as to say that she saved my life. The moment I walked through the door she knew what I was suffering with and said she could help me, I felt so relieved.
By sticking to the diet recommendations, drinking plenty of water and taking the supplements, I’m on the right track. All that remains now is a few spots on my chest and back of my neck and I’m feeling really happy.
Kim M , August 2024