
Your body is the biggest investment you will ever make. Don’t abuse it.

Caroline Sproule

Do you suffer with stomach problems?shutterstock_549366496

Different types include:

  • bloating
  • indigestion
  • cramps
  • heartburn
  • trapped wind
  • belching

How we can help you

Our dedicated Stomach Treatment programme is specifically designed to help:

  • An intial 60 minute consultation
  • Diagnosis of the cause of your stomach issues
  • Identifying food intolerances or allergies * at second session
  • Dietary advice and personal diet plan that avoids ‘trigger’ foods
  • List of foods to eat and avoid
  • A recommended supplement plan (2 supplements  included )
  • 2 week meal plans
  • An individual health report
  • Checks for vitamin and mineral deficiencies
  • Four follow up sessions of one hour duration to monitor and review progress and adjust your diet every 3 weeks.
  • Full email support throughout the duration of the programme

The  Complete Programme costs £375.00 (can be paid in full or in two instalments)

* Kinesiology

What our clients say..

 I would recommend anyone who has any kind of digestive, stomach or bowel complaint to come to you for advice.  You are not only a professional of the highest order (I feel I can talk to you freely about anything!) but you are also a loving & caring human being. I cannot thank you enough for your concern, your advice and most importantly your help in guiding me to overcome the worst period of my life, I am and will remain eternally grateful, thank you.    
